Scott Yahne
Licensed for 29 years
Law Degree
Primary Practice Area
If you are about to start a business venture, buy or sell a business, purchase commercial or residential real estate, sell commercial or residential real estate, develop commercial real estate, or become involved in litigation involving business and/or real estate disputes, calling Scott Yahne is a good place to start. Development deals and litigation in the areas of business and real estate constitute the bulk of Scott’s practice. Organization and attention to detail drives Scott in everything he does, particularly when dealing with the complexities of business and real estate transactions and trial work. Since commencing his legal career in 1992, Scott has developed considerable experience in business and real estate matters and is well respected throughout Northwest Indiana. In cultivating and developing his practice, Scott has established contacts with many business and community leaders that inure to the benefit of his clients. Scott was born and raised in Fort Wayne, Indiana and attended R. Nelson Snider High School, graduating in 1985. Thereafter, Scott attended Indiana University in Bloomington, obtaining a B.A. in Political Science in 1989. For Scott, a Hoosier at heart, the Indiana experience was impossible to shake; Scott decided to remain in Bloomington for an additional three years to attend Law School. In 1992, Scott obtained his Juris Doctorate from Indiana University School of Law and thereafter obtained his license to practice law in the State of Indiana. Scott and his wife, Seda, live in St. John and are the exceedingly proud parents of two sons, Truman and Preston. Scott can often be found in his garden, tending to his vegetables and flowers in his suit as he unwinds from the day, much to the consternation of Seda. Scott is very involved in his sons’ activities, having coached baseball, basketball and soccer. Scott is committed to working with young people and has worked with young people in varying contexts having organized and delivered educational programs to many area schools. Scott is often appointed as a Guardian Ad Litem for children involved in Court proceedings (e.g. custody determination proceedings, parental rights termination proceedings, visitation proceedings). Scott is very involved with the Lake County Bar Association and Indiana State Bar Association, having been elected to serve as President of the LCBA for 2008 and on the ISBA Board of Governors in 2013. Scott has been recognized as one of the top annual providers of Pro Bono services to clients in need of a helping hand in Lake County. Additionally, Scott often sits as Judge pro tempore for several Courts in Lake County.
Practices Areas
Real Estate