
Kenneth Buechler


Licensed for 40 years

Law Degree


Primary Practice Area

Bankruptcy & Debt




MICHAEL J. GUYERSON, Senior Counsel, is Certified by the American Bankruptcy Institute in Commercial Debtor Bankruptcy and is also a memebr of its litigation committee.  A 1981 graduate of the University of Colorado School of Law Mike’s practice emphasizes insolvency and commercial loan restructuring, the overall representation of debtors, creditors’ committees, trustees and creditors in bankruptcy matters, commercial and bankruptcy litigation and agricultural law.  Mike is an avid outdoorsman having walked all 490 miles of the Colorado Trail. ev Lectures and Publications: Author: “Bad Boy Guarantees, Know What To Do When The Lender Comes For You!,” The Colorado Lawyer, Vol. 42, No. 9, September, 2013;  “The Right To Stay Adversary and Contested Matters”, ABI Law Journal, April 2013, “Professional Law Firm Insolvency”, ABI Law Journal, November 2011, “Adequate Protection for Secured Creditors: The Interest Accrual Myth”, ABI Secured Credit Committee Newsletter, June 2011, “FDIC Super Stay”, ABI Law Journal, 2009,"The Revolution in Investor Rights: A New Litigation Climate," 34 The Colorado Lawyer, May 2005. Co-Author: "Asset Acquisition in the 1990's: Opportunities for Small and Medium-Sized Business," Denver Business Journal, June 26, 1992. Author: "Intellectual Property Agreements: Assumptions or Rejection Under the Bankruptcy Code," The Colorado Lawyer, Vol. 21, No. 11, November, 1992; "Propriety of Class Proofs of Claim in Bankruptcy," The American Bankruptcy Law Journal, Vol. 63 Summer, 1989; "A Review of Agricultural Law: Hard Times and Hard Choices," The Colorado Lawyer, Vol. 15, No. 5, April, 1986; "Agricultural Lending in A Troubled Economy," The Colorado Lawyer, Vol. 16 No. 10. October 19, 1987. Lecturer: Mike has participated in numerous seminars for the CLE of Colorado, the Colorado Bankers Association, the Wyoming Bankers Association, Colorado Bar Association, and The National Business Institute.                

Practices Areas

Bankruptcy & Debt




Buechler Garber LLC999 18th St Ste 1230 SDenver, CO, 80202-2499

Office: N/A

Website: N/A