Joseph Daggy
Longview, WA
Law Degree
Primary Practice Area
Real Estate
JOSEPH O. DAGGY(360) 425-6500 office, (360) 577-6640 fax[email protected]PRACTICE HIGHLIGHTSPersonal Injury, Business, Real Estate, Estate Planning. Leading edge experience in foreclosure, garnishment, attachment, receivership, and related areas. Admitted to Practice before the Federal and State Courts in both Washington and Oregon. Practice includes significant litigation work in, insurance, injury, products liability, warranty, construction, and business litigation.PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENTDaggy & Anagnostou, P.S., Longview, WashingtonRoethler, Daggy Crandall & Long, Longview, WashingtonRoethler & Daggy, Longview, WashingtonRoethler and McCulloch, Longview, WashingtonVick, Coruthers & Jackson, Salem, OregonEDUCATIONNumerous Continuing Legal Education programs, as organizer, presenter, moderator, and studentHastings College of Law,University of CaliforniaCollege of Advocacy, 1982Willamette UniversityCollege of LawEarned Doctor of Jurisprudence, 1977University of WashingtonSchool of Law, 1976University of WashingtonSchool of CommunicationsEarned Bachelor of Arts, 1974Western Washington State University, 1970credits transferred, degree grantedfrom University of WashingtonKelso High School, 1969PROFESSIONAL ADMISSIONSWashington State Bar Association: admitted to practice in 1978,in continuous good standing since admissionOregon State Bar Association: admitted to practice in 1986,in continuous good standing since admissionUnited States District Court for the Western District of Washington:admitted to practice in 1980, in continuous good standing since admissionUnited States District Court for the District of Oregon: admitted to practice 1986, in continuous good standing since admissionCOMMENTMy experience in civil and criminal litigation, personal injury work, commercial litigation, asset recovery, insurance claims, property rights, estate claims, probate, guardianship, receivership, attachment, real estate and foreclosure, secured transactions, lien work and priority work, place me in an excellent position to assist diverse clients in many relevant areas of law. My practice has focused on significant legal work in state, federal and local courts.COMMUNITY SERVICEPast President, Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Bar AssociationPast President, Kelso Rotary ClubPast President, Longview SandbaggersPresident, Daggy & Anagnostou, P.S.Past District Court Judge Pro temPast District Committee Member, Boy Scouts of AmericaPast Assistant Scout Master, Boy Scouts of AmericaPast Merit Badge Counselor, Boy Scouts of AmericaPast Board Member, KLTV Community Access TelevisionPast Board Member, Cowlitz Humane SocietyPast Board Member, Longview StageworksOTHER INTERESTSWriting, Film Production, Music Performance, Community Service, Public Speaking
Practices Areas
Personal Injury
1801 1st Ave # 4aPo Box 1793Longview, WA, 98632-81101801 1st Ave # 4aPo Box 1793Po Box 1793Longview, WA, 98632-8110
Office: N/A
Website: N/A