Jeremey Poindexter
Law Degree
Anderson office
Primary Practice Area
Divorce and Family
Jeremey Poindexter has been practicing law in the Upstate for more than 11 years. He has focused the majority of his practice on family law. He has handled a full range of family law cases including simple divorces, complex high net-worth divorces, custody actions, grandparents’ rights cases, DSS cases, and termination of parental rights cases. He is married to his wife, Katie, and they have two children, Calvin and Adia. When Calvin was born, he was diagnosed with Down syndrome. This has led Jeremey to focus much of charity work on issues dealing with disabilities. He has served on the boards of both the Down Syndrome Family Alliance of Greenville and the Meyer Center for Special Children, including a stint as the Meyer Center's Board President.
Practices Areas
Family Law