Jeffrey Shapiro
Licensed for 39 years
Law Degree
Primary Practice Area
Medical Malpractice
Jeffrey S. Shapiro is an attorney practicing law since 1982.Jeffrey S. Shapiro is a Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer. A lawyer certified as a Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer is a lawyer recognized by the Florida Bar as a practitioner, considered to have advanced knowledge and skills in that particular field of law. Certification is the highest level of evaluation by The Florida Bar of competency and experience within an area of law, and professionalism and ethics in practice.Jeffrey S. Shapiro is an AV Rated® (HIGHEST POSSIBLE RATING) . An AV® certification mark is a significant rating accomplishment - a testament to the fact that a lawyer's peers rank him or her at the highest level of professional excellence. Martindale-Hubbell is the facilitator of a peer review rating process. Ratings reflect the confidential opinions of members of the Bar and the judiciary. Martindale-Hubbell ratings fall into two categories - legal ability and general ethical standards. The Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Ratings help prospective clients identify, evaluate and select the most appropriate lawyer for a specific task at hand. Lawyer Ratings serve as an objective indicator that a lawyer has the highest ethical standards and professional ability and are used by clients to justify their hiring decisions. A rating's third party validation of ethics and legal ability provides that extra level of confidence that the right lawyer or firm has been selected. By combining a rating with a review of other data in a lawyer's Professional Biography - such as practice areas, bar memberships, professional affiliations, education and clients - a person can be certain he or she has made the right choice for that particular legal matter.
Practices Areas
Medical Malpractice
Personal Injury
Trucking accident
Lawyer was very knowledgeable and handled my legal issue like a pro. He knew exactly what to do and how to do it. He got the job done. I would highly reccomend attorney Jeffrey Shapiro.
Mr. Shapiro is a very experienced well-qualified personal injury attorney. I was happy to have hired Mr. Shapiro who is board certified. He handled my case and treated me as if I were the most important client that he had. I received an excellent settlement.
Lawyer was very knowledgeable and handled my legal issue like a pro. He knew exactly what to do and how to do it. He got the job done. I would highly reccomend attorney Jeffrey Shapiro.
Mr. Shapiro is a very experienced well-qualified personal injury attorney. I was happy to have hired Mr. Shapiro who is board certified. He handled my case and treated me as if I were the most important client that he had. I received an excellent settlement.
Lawyer was very knowledgeable and handled my legal issue like a pro. He knew exactly what to do and how to do it. He got the job done. I would highly reccomend attorney Jeffrey Shapiro.
Mr. Shapiro is a very experienced well-qualified personal injury attorney. I was happy to have hired Mr. Shapiro who is board certified. He handled my case and treated me as if I were the most important client that he had. I received an excellent settlement.